Canadian Disaster Risk Management Volunteer Award

The CRHNet Canadian Disaster Risk Management Volunteer Award is presented annually to recognize exemplary volunteerism in the advancement of Canadian disaster risk management. This award is supported by the CRHNet membership to encourage disaster risk management volunteerism in Canada and to profile exceptional contributions through direct volunteer work, volunteer initiatives, and/or voluntary programs. Up to three awards are granted annually.

Number of Awards: Each year up to three awards are offered, and recipients are announced at the CRHNet Annual General Meeting (AGM). Additionally, award winners are profiled in “HazNet”, CRHNet’s signature publication.

Eligibility: All persons or groups who volunteer their time to contribute to Canadian disaster risk management through practice, research, education and/or leadership are eligible for nomination. Similarly, volunteer initiatives or programs supporting Canadian disaster risk management are eligible for nomination.

Selection: All applications will be adjudicated by the CRHNet Awards Committee against the posted eligibility and award criteria. Nomination packages will be assessed based on any combination of the following criteria:

  1. The type of contribution(s);
  2. The duration of the contribution(s), and
  3. The intended/realized impact of the contribution(s).

Award Notification: While we thank all nominators for forwarding award nominations for consideration, only successful recipients will be notified of the award decision.

Award Acceptance: Awards must be accepted or declined in the year in which the award is given.

Nomination Instructions: CRHNet Members can nominate a volunteer, group of volunteers, volunteer initiative or program by submitting the nomination form on this page. Please note that one letter of reference is required to be uploaded at the time of form submission.

If you require an alternative format to submit your expression of interest, please contact


2023 – Simon Wells, Canadian Journal of Emergency Management

2022 – Lily Yumagulova, PhD

2020 – Ron Kuban, PhD

You must be a CRHNet member to nominate a candidate.

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