Knowledge Exchange
We look forward to growing this section of the website with valuable information that may be helpful to you and facilitate knowledge sharing. We will be bringing over some of the content from the previous site from the library in the months to come. In the meantime, here are some links you may find useful
These 14 videos provide Canadian Indigenous disaster evacuees with an opportunity to share their experiences and knowledge with a broad, international audience. Every year hundreds of Indigenous people are evacuated from their homes and some remain displaced for months or even years. Indigenous evacuees have important stories to share about this largely invisible situation. Through the videos, participants explain in their own words the short and long-term impacts from evacuations, highlight how pre-existing strengths and challenges influenced their capacities to cope with the evacuation, and outline their thoughts on important insights and lessons gained. These videos capture perspectives from four communities: Lytton First Nation/Kanaka Bar Band, BC; Cormorant Island, BC; Long Plain First Nation, MB; and Eskasoni First Nation, NS.
Thank you to the community members who generously shared their stories and wisdom and made this project possible.
Cormorant Island, BC: Shannon Alfred
Lytton First Nation/Kanaka Bar Band, BC: Christine Brown, Jennifer Brown, Jim Brown, Trevor Robinson and Merika Sam
Long Plain First Nation, MB: Eunice and Clemance Assiniboine, Linda Bunn, Trudy Hobson, Liz Merrick and Kathryn Myran
Eskasoni First Nation, NS: Irene Knockwood, Darlene Marshall and Peter Stevenson
We also encourage you to review the following PDFs:
Thematic Videos
- Preparedness,
- Evacuations,
- Traditional Food,
- Children and Families,
- Knowledge and Healing and
- Strength and Resilience.
Check out the latest opportunities in Emergency and Disaster Management and more!
Created in 2003 to ensure coordination across all federal departments and agencies responsible for national security and the safety of Canadians.
Our mandate is to keep Canadians safe from a range of risks such as natural disasters, crime and terrorism.
Our mission is to build a safe and resilient Canada.
Our vision is to, through outstanding leadership, achieve a safe and secure Canada and strong and resilient communities.
UNDRR (formerly UNISDR) is the United Nations focal point for disaster risk reduction. UNDRR oversees the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, supporting countries in its implementation, monitoring and sharing what works in reducing existing risk and preventing the creation of new risk.
Provincial and territorial emergency management organizations (EMOs) are a good source of information about how to prepare for emergencies in your region. EMO’s activities include planning and research, training, response operations and the administration and delivery of disaster financial assistance programs. EMOs are most familiar with the natural hazards and other risks of your region. Learn more from the EMO in your province or territory.
Stay tuned for more updates soon.