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CRHNet executes our strategic priorities through several committees. We welcome members to join any of these committees. If you are interested, please contact and indicate which committee you would like to get more information about.

Awards Committee

The CRHNet Awards Program is a national awards program established to recognize and honour exemplary individuals participating in and contributing to the study and practice of disaster risk management. The program is run by a standing committee of CRHNet members which reports to the CRHNet Board. CRHNet Awards are presented annually at the CRHNet Symposium and this year, virtually.

  • Recognize and highlight outstanding practices and initiatives in disaster risk management,
  • Profile noteworthy individuals and organizations for their work in the field of disaster risk management
  • Offer inspiration, moral support, and encouragement to individuals working in disaster risk management, regardless of affiliation(s)

Committee Chair:  Sophie Guilbault

Committee Members:

Award Committee Terms of Reference

Communications and Marketing Committee

CRHNet is committed to supporting and developing academics and professionals in the fields of disaster risk reduction and emergency management.

The communications and marketing (C&M) committee is a standing committee of the Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) with the aim to enhance engagement and share information with members and the broader disaster and emergency management (DEM) community.

Annual Priorities

  • Ongoing promotion of latest HazNet issue, with emails to members and promoting specific content/articles on social media
  • Promote CRHNet and partner events through CRHNet social media channels
  • Develop a plan intended to grow our online presence and proactive communication to members
  • Deliver the web and social media plan

Committee Chair:  Currently vacant

Committee Members: Pascal Parent
Currently seeking additional committee members!

Communications and Marketing Committee Terms of Reference

Emerging Professionals Committee

We are excited to announce a new Emerging Professionals Committee.

Are you looking to get involved in shaping the future of Disaster and Emergency Management (D&EM), make connections and build experience? If so, you might be interested in the new CRHNet Emerging Professionals Committee! This is a Canada-wide committee that will be meeting monthly to plan and advocate for emerging professionals in D&EM. It will work closely with the CRHNet board to connect with students in this field of practice and study.

What can the committee do?

  • Plan events for emerging professionals such as job fairs
  • Create a mentorship or field placement program
  • Plan/share information about training and certifications
  • Create an emerging professionals social media presence through CRHNet channels
  • Create working groups on topics like DRR, diversity and inclusion, or the professionalization of D&EM

The opportunities are only bonded by the limits of our imaginations, but to do this, we need you. If you are interested in applying or have any questions, please email

Committee Co-Chairs: Willow Weber & Caitlin Parker
Committee Members: Jonathan Kohan, Jen McEachen, Avery Danyluk, Constance Passas, Evan Smith, Faith Hinds, Michelle Syonne Reyes, Sumaira Niazi, Tugba Altin

Emerging Professionals Terms of Reference

Emerging Professionals FAQs

Partnerships and Professional Development (PPD) Committee

CRHNet is committed to supporting and developing professionals in the fields of disaster risk reduction and emergency management.

The PPD Committee is a standing committee of the Canadian Risk and Hazards Network (CRHNet) with the aim to support work and initiatives that advance both people and the profession in the field of Emergency Management.

Annual Priorities

  • Review and update member benefits based on membership feedback and strategic priorities
  • Conduct membership drive
  • Secure symposium sponsorships
  • Identify and secure new project partnerships and funding streams to support strategic work
  • Stand up a symposium planning sub-committee as needed

Committee Chair:  Currently vacant

Committee Members:

Partnership and Professional Development Committee Terms of Reference

Symposium Committee Terms of Reference